Saturday, February 27, 2010

1st Coaching call

I thoroughly enjoyed my first coaching call with Jo Ann. I was a little nervous before hand, in being the coach and all, but found the conversation to flow easily. I wanted to first call to be a nice meet and greet, where we would get to know each other. I found that without even trying, we ended up discussing the questions that were laid out for us. It was kind of cool. I found that when I tried to touch on specific questions, it was more difficult for her to answer. We talked about this and I agreed that I would also have less to say b/c I am not good on the spot and better in a natural flowing conversation where the information just pours out within a bigger discussion.
Before the call I read over what was expected and what questions I needed to touch on. I found that b/c I has this in the back of my mind, I didn’t need to read the questions as much, verbatim, off the assignment. I was able to gear the conversation, if needed, toward the questions. But as I mentioned this actually happened quite naturally. So I think I will read over the assignments a couple time before the talk, so that I can have it in the back of my mind, where to gear the conversation, if it goes off track. I think after we get through the getting to know each other stage, which we for sake of dialogue, did this call, It will be easier to focus on the exact assignment better.

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