Monday, March 1, 2010

2nd Coaching Call

This second call with my coachee was pretty cool. She was having issues with the "PH.D's" in her work, which (and may I say unfortuantly) a lot of workers feel the same way towards. If I may…. it is when one knows too much that they forget what they don’t know. It’s just simply an aura one has. Has nothing to do with intelligence. Both sides are right. One wants to teach the other what they know, and the other is still learning what THEY need to know. It requires BOTH parties to suspend.
She hits on a lot in her blog. We did discuss this “taboo” subject, sexual rights of residents. I allowed her to give her opinion on the subject, which I can completely agree with. I feel she touches on, a very reflective aspect of our conversation. (quote)--“I have to assume the rule of opposer, and although I have been practicing this for years, it is still very uncomfortable for me. I find that we may find ourselves in these roles, when we don’t even want to or feel comfortable with being in them

Reflecting on the call as a coach, I wish to could have touched on more things and brought more questions to the table, that would have pushed her to think more reflectively about what she was talking about. I think I will try and take notes next time, like my coach did, in order for me to reference when something catches my attention. I think I need to be more comfortable taking the role of the coach. I think next time I will trust the role more and allow myself to ask those questions that I think could help my coachee dig deeper. For example, I should have asked her, “what exactly about the role of opposer makes you feel uncomfortable” “Are there past experiences that lead you to feel this way” “How, if possible, could you re-think the role so that it makes you feel more comfortable”

I did though, ask her to push the envelope a little further and attempt having dialogue with someone whom you don’t normally share a creative dialogue with. In this try and engage in a different role and see what happens. We did though touch on the fact that maybe your boss is not the way to go at first. I joked with her that it may be better to do these assignment with someone that can’t get you fired ;] We both laughed and agreed.

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